Four dismissed from Defence Forces

Four members of the Defence Forces have been dismissed after they tested positive for drugs under a new compulsory screening …

Four members of the Defence Forces have been dismissed after they tested positive for drugs under a new compulsory screening programme.

The Defence Forces Substance Abuse Programme, which began testing in November, aims to test up to 10 per cent of the 12,000 soldiers, airmen and sailors in the Defence Forces every year. The scheme is similar to others operating in most western European armies.

In the first six months of operation, more than 500 Defence Forces personnel were tested, with two being discharged after they tested positive.

No details of the rank of the personnel discharged or the substances for which they tested positive have been made available.


Since May, two more members have also tested positive and been subject to discharge orders. None of the four has appealed the discharges.

While drug abuse has not been identified as a major problem in the Defence Forces, compulsory screening was introduced principally as a deterrent.

Defence Force personnel of all ranks can be subject to the compulsory first-stage urine test, where they are also asked to fill out a form detailing any medication they are being prescribed.

The urine test screens for all drugs prescribed under the Misuse of Drugs Act, including cannabis, cocaine and opiates.

Personnel are required to give two samples, one of which is used as a simple non-specific indicator test for the presence of banned substances.

If a sample fails this test, a further sample is sent for detailed laboratory testing to one of a number of facilities in England. The Defence Forces member whose sample is being tested chooses from a list of six centres where the sample can be tested.

The only sanction for testing positive in the second test is an administrative discharge from the Defence Forces.

This kind of discharge is seen as less serious than a disciplinary discharge.

The programme also tests for the presence of most prescription drugs. Anybody found with traces in their urine but no prescription also faces discharge.

According to figures from the Department of Defence, 531 personnel of all ranks were tested in the first six months of the programme.

This included 89 commissioned officers, 204 non-commissioned officers and 238 privates or equivalents.

A spokesman for the Defence Forces said the screening programme was "in line with best practice internationally".

Although dismissing personnel who test positive for so-called soft drugs such as cannabis may sound harsh, it was absolutely necessary, the spokesman said.

"It's different to many other careers in that in day-to-day work, members are handling weapons and ammunition and military vehicles where they pose a risk to themselves, their comrades and the general public," he said.

"The taking of banned substances is not compatible with this type of work."