FG backs Labour mayoral bid

The Fine Gael party in Limerick has decided not to support its own candidate in upcoming mayoral elections in the city following…

The Fine Gael party in Limerick has decided not to support its own candidate in upcoming mayoral elections in the city following growing unease over his controversial expenses claims.

Former senator Pat Kennedy was expected to become mayor next week.

He returned to the council almost €1,700 claimed in mileage expenses for a car that was off the road.

He also refunded just over €3,800 to three bodies for public representatives


Fine Gael is to support Labour’s Gerry McLoughlin for the post.

In his first public statement on the controversy, Mr Kennedy said yesterday he had made a “genuine mistake in regard to certain expenses”.

“The national investigatory committee of Fine Gael decided not to impose any sanction on me having accepted my explanation,” he said. He remained a member of the party in “good standing,” he said.