FF criticises Opposition on pensions

Fianna Fáil was the only party placing increases in pensions in its core programme, Minister for Social and Family Affairs Séamus…

Fianna Fáil was the only party placing increases in pensions in its core programme, Minister for Social and Family Affairs Séamus Brennan has claimed.

Pledging that his party would raise State pensions to €300 a week if returned to office, Mr Brennan said neither Fine Gael nor Labour had mentioned pensions in their "Contract" commitments and had said nothing of substance about them during the campaign.

Speaking at press briefing on pensions in Dublin today, the Minister claimed that Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny had confirmed in last Thursday's leader debate that pensions were a lower priority than a wide range of other issues.

The Dublin South TD said Fianna Fáil regards pensions as a key area of difference between it and the opposition and that the achievement of at least €300 per week for the state pension is a core priority.