Fairtrade Labelling was created in the Netherlands in the late 1980s.
(1) A Fairtrade steering group representing churches, educators, businesses and the local council, must be formed to attain and maintain the Fairtrade Town status.
(2) A range of Fairtrade products is required to be readily available in local outlets and catering establishments.
A minimum of two shops and two cafes should stock and serve Fairtrade mark products and this fact must be advertised and promoted to customers.
(3) Fairtrade mark products need to be used by at least 10 local businesses and organisations.
(4) The town council must pass a motion in support of Fairtrade and encourage constituents to do likewise.
(5) Ongoing media coverage must be generated to keep the community aware of Fairtrade activities in the town/city/other.
(6) A significant number of schools are required to use the educational materials about Fairtrade that are available.