Eye on Nature

Observations on nature

Observations on nature

We have six or seven large frogs in our tiny pond. They've just spawned and I'm worried that there are too many of them for such a small space. Would their quality of life be okay? Should I remove the spawn?

Emma Linnane, Dublin

The frogs will leave the pond and only a few of the tadpoles will survive. Tadpoles feed on algae, tiny single-celled animals in the water, on dead creatures and on each other. They are eaten by water beetles and their larvae, dragonfly nymphs, other water insects, newts, thrushes, etc.


On March 19th, a warm and sunny day, I saw a ladybird crawling on the wooden door-frame of a garden shed. Was she out early?

Mary McKeogh, Greenfields Court, Kilkenny

Ladybirds normally come out in March.

Occasionally at our bird table, we see a sparrow that appears overweight, puffed up and slow to move. It stays on the ground a lot, but can fly when approached. Is this a disease?

Michael McGrath, Tuam, Co Galway

On cold days birds fluff out their feathers to keep warm.