Copies of the following EP reports are available free of charge, while stocks last:
Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the BSE Crisis (February 1997)
Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Community Transit System
(February 1997)
The following research reports are also available:
The social and economic consequences of abolishing "Duty-free" within the EU
Community Veterinary Inspection - discussion paper
Ratification conditions applying to the Amsterdam Treaty
Factors influencing the spending of Structural Funds
Money Factors influencing the spending of Structural Funds Money (executive summary, chapters 4-5: Debates, Conclusions, Recommendations)
European voluntary service for young people
Frontier workers in the EU (summary)
Energy policy and global climate change
Structural Funds and the environment
The division of competences in the European Union
Parliamentary Assistants in the Member States of the European Union
Requests for single documents, on a postcard please, to EP Office in Ireland, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.