Elderly and young children most at risk in house fires

Every year approximately 50 people die in fires, the majority in their homes, according to the National Safety Council

Every year approximately 50 people die in fires, the majority in their homes, according to the National Safety Council. Those at greatest risk are the under-12s and the over-60s.

The leading causes of house fires are carelessness with open fireplaces, heaters, electric blankets and smoking.

The key points to remember in preventing house fires, says the council, are:

Young children should never be left alone.


Take extreme care when cooking chips/fried food. Never leave a chip-pan unattended.

Check electric blankets regularly for wear/damage.

Use a sparkguard around fires.

Do not leave papers or clothes close to fires or heaters.

Switch off and unplug all nonessential appliances when out of use.

Totally ban smoking in bed.

Take special precautions at holiday periods, e.g. Hallowe'en and Christmas.

Install a smoke alarm and regularly check the batteries.