Seminar probes the feel of the real

REALISM AND REALITY is the theme of the Children's Literature Association, of Ireland's spring seminar

REALISM AND REALITY is the theme of the Children's Literature Association, of Ireland's spring seminar. Speakers will include Mary Beckett, whose recent Hannah or Pink Balloons featured on a bestsellers' list.

Stephen Wyllie, three times winner of the Red Book children's book award, will address the topic, "When is a book not a book". Peter Gunning, primary school teacher and author of several plays for children, will also speak at the seminar. An Irish publishers panel - with representatives from Wolfhound Press, Poolbeg Press, O'Brien Press, Mercier Press and An Gum - will hold a question and answer session.

CLAI's aim is to encourage and foster reading and enjoyment of books and to create a forum for discussion of topics related to children's reading. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in young people and what they read - authors, booksellers, librarians, parents, publishers and teachers.

The association's newsletter, Children's Books in Ireland, has 11 pages in the latest issue devoted to new Irish books.


The spring seminar takes place on Saturday, March 23rd, at the Church of Ireland College of Education, Rathmines, Dublin. The seminar fees are £12 for CLAI members and £22 for non members. For more information and booking forms, write to the secretary, CLAI Spring Seminar, PO Box 4631, Phibsboro Post Office, Dublin 7.