By students in  their own words

By students in  their own words

What's your supervisor like?

Our guy said a prayer with us before the exam, and kept going on about how great the change in timetable was and how we should all just relax. Very nice. Snapped at me a bit though. He was handing out the papers, so naturally, I'm very eager to begin, and start reading the comprehensions . . . "I don't remember telling you to open the papers," he shouted.

- . . . Mine is a wagon. She's like a miserable hag. I think she's Máire's mum from An Triail. she wouldn't stop talking and so we didn't start English til 9.37.


- . . . My one is pretty sound . . . Gave me a whole 5 mins extra, she ended up having to literaly rip the paper from me!! . . . but she is all old and granny like . . .

- from

How was English paper II?

I know it can't seem like a good sign. I was out at 12 but i was really happy . . . Brilliant paper. Othello the exception. Questions weren't great. Poetry - had it done by 9.50 flew through it . . . had the answer in my head just wrote it down . . . two and a half pages for that . . . 3 for Othello . . . I'm really happy with poetry though . . . everyone shoulda had at least one of em studied

- . . . I was really happy with the paper. Only learned Larkin and Boland. So was more than happy to see Larkin appear. Had a perfect essay in my head and was done in fifteen minutes. - from