Jack L offers up a brief look at his CV...

Jack L offers up a brief look at his CV. . .

Current job: Musician and singer.

What school did you attend? Athy CBS.

Had you any famous schoolmates? No - but some very memorable characters.


Hidden talents at school? Singing was a hidden talent, I suppose, for a while. When my voice broke (or was breaking) I sounded really funny when singing. It ended up so low that I always felt like a bit of a freak.

Best subject? English.

Worst subject? Maths did my head in.

Most inspirational teacher and why? Inspirational is not a word I would associate with any of my teachers. I was only interested in having fun and they were the ones standing in the way, as far as I was concerned.

Did you go to college? If so, where? I left school around 15 or 16 years of age. I started working in the family business as a mechanic and kept working when school went back.

What's the best thing about the Irish education system? The fact that people are being educated is a great thing. Half the world still doesn't have that right/privilege.

The worst thing? Lack of variety. Everybody is different with different gifts. Not everyone works the same way, yet we are all taught the same way.

What song most reminds you of your school days? Rhinestone Cowboy and Two Little Boys