DJ Carey and partner dispute bank claims

FORMER HURLER DJ Carey and his partner, businesswoman Sarah Newman, have disputed what they say are claims by Allied Irish Banks…

FORMER HURLER DJ Carey and his partner, businesswoman Sarah Newman, have disputed what they say are claims by Allied Irish Banks that they failed to submit proposals to the bank regarding repayment arrangements.

On Monday the couple were ordered by the Commercial Court to pay €9.5 million to AIB, in connection with loans and guarantees related to properties in Mount Juliet in Kilkenny and the K Club in Co Kildare.

The couple, who were not present in court on Monday, issued a statement through their solicitor Whitmore Moore yesterday, disputing what they said were claims by AIB that they had failed to submit proposals to the bank regarding their outstanding liabilities.

“Both Mr Carey and Ms Newman have dealt proactively and professionally with the bank and will continue to do so,” the statement said. It said detailed and comprehensive financial proposals, prepared by the couple’s financial advisers, had been submitted to the bank on a number of occasions, most recently April of this year.


The statement said that neither Mr Carey nor Ms Newman would be commenting further on their circumstances.

AIB said last night it had no comment to make on the matter.

Both Mr Carey and Ms Newman consented to the judgment against them on Monday.

The court heard that Mr Carey had not been making his repayments on a 20-year mortgage taken out in April 2007.

The judgment of €9.5 million against Mr Carey relates to a €7.85 million mortgage loan taken out by him in April 2007 which was secured on properties in the K Club and Mount Juliet, plus a guarantee of up to €1.5 million given by Mr Carey on Ms Newman’s liabilities.

Suzanne Lynch

Suzanne Lynch

Suzanne Lynch, a former Irish Times journalist, was Washington correspondent and, before that, Europe correspondent