Three Irish Times journalists win Justice Media Awards

Series “Inside Ireland’s Supreme Court” wins daily newspapers category

From left to right: Irish Times Education Correspondent Joe Humphreys, president of the Law Society of Ireland John P Shaw, Irish Times Legal Affairs Correspondent Ruadhán MacCormaic, and director general of the Law Society of Ireland Ken Murphy.

Three Irish Times journalists have been recognised in this year's Justice Media Awards.

Ruadhán MacCormaic, Legal Affairs Correspondent, won in the "daily newspapers" category for the series “Inside Ireland’s Supreme Court”.

The judging panel for the Law Society, which has been hosting the awards for the past 22 years, said the series "played a significant public interest role by laying open to inspection one of Ireland's most powerful institutions".

Joe Humphreys, Education Correspondent, received a merit award in the same category for the "excellent" and "engaging" series “The Prison Trap” which investigated how people with mental illness are dealt with by the criminal justice system.


Fiona Gartland won a merit award in the category of "court reporting - print media" for providing the very first coverage of the family law court under new legislation. Her opening report of January 14th was "journalistic history in the making".

Prizes for radio, TV and regional reporting were also given but the judges decided against presenting an overall winner this year because of what they described as the high quality of all the category winners.