Teen remanded after girl (14) self harms over Facebook comments

Judge sentenced 15-year-old to eight months over offences related to same girl last week

A teenage girl self harmed when she developed suicidal thoughts after reading derogatory comments about her on Facebook, a police officer told Derry Magistrate’s Court on Monday. Photograph: Martin Keene/PA Wire.

A teenage girl self harmed when she developed suicidal thoughts after reading derogatory comments about her on Facebook, a police officer told Derry Magistrate's Court on Monday.

The officer said the girl (14) was treated for her injuries in the city's Altnagelvin Hospital.

He was speaking during a case involving a boy (15) who admitted breaching court imposed bail conditions by posting the comments about the girl on his Facebook page last weekend.

The police officer told District Judge Barney McElholm that the girl and boy are both residents in the same children’s home.


She handed in to the count print outs of the comments posted about the girl by the youth on his Facebook page.

Judge McElholm said he had sentenced the same boy to eight months in custody for other offences related to the same girl at the local juvenile court last Tuesday. However, he then decided to release the youth on appeal bail.

“One of the bail conditions was that you were not to intimidate, harm, pester or harass this girl,” the judge said. “This young girl self harmed and had to be taken to hospital on Sunday morning.”

Applying for bail a defence barrister said the youth admitted breaching his bail condition.

“He apologises for his behaviour and for what he has done”, the barrister said.

The bail application was refused and the youth was remanded in custody.