Suspended sentence for man who attempted to rob woman in Dublin park

Judge imposes suspended sentence of three years and orders him to pay €8,000

A man who ambushed a woman during an attempted robbery in a Dublin park was caught and handed over to gardaí­ by three passersby, Dublin Circuit Criminal Court has heard.

Damien Fleming (28) grabbed the woman from behind but fled when she managed to get free.

He later told gardaí­ that he was in the middle of a drinking binge and that he was trying to get money from the woman but that he then changed his mind.

Judge Martin Nolan imposed a suspended sentence of three years and ordered Fleming to pay €8,000 to the victim. He said that if the victim rejects the compensation he will decide where it goes.


Fleming, of Kilcummin, Killarney, but now living in Cork, pleaded guilty to attempted robbery on November 4th, 2013.