Mark Murphy, Music promoter
Are you a saver or a spender?Definitely a spender with my own money, although what we make in the business gets reinvested back into our projects before going back into our own pockets, So frugal with work and more laissez faire with my own cash.
Do you shop around for better value?I go online all the time to find the best prices for items like flights, clothes, vinyl and accommodation. I don't really enjoy shopping, so if I ever do shop around town for bargains, it's on a mid-week morning, as opposed to a weekend, when its less hectic.
What has been your most extravagant purchase ever?Certain vinyl albums that cost several hundred euros due to the rarity and condition of the item.
What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?My Macbook Pro. It gets used for a range of tasks and doubles up for work and leisure.
Have you ever crossed the Border to shop?No, I live on my own and do not really eat at home so there is no real benefit for me to go up there for some thrift purchases.
Do you haggle over prices?I spend a lot of my time haggling in work with artists and agents over fees, flights, tour budgets etc. It's second nature to me, but I tend to fall back and not be so sharp when it is outside of work-related matters.
Has the recession changed your spending habits?It has definitely taught me to be more mindful of my spending and to prepare for all eventualities.
Do you invest in shares?I have invested exclusively in my business and have not yet had the opportunity to try the markets.
Cash or card?Cash is king but cards will get you out of a hole if you find yourself in one. I tend to carry far less cash on me than I used to though.
What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?My iphone4 as it allows me to keep up to date with work when I'm on the go and is great for organising your schedule if you're travelling. It also has a video camera and thousands of apps so it is the most versatile thing I own. I also bought some Nike Id trainers on the Nike website where you design your own shoes. I don't think I could ever go back to normal trainer buying after this experience – it's such a brilliant idea.
Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?I have been building up my record collection and music equipment for years, which is worth a fair whack on paper and is something I continually add to, so this is probably my biggest purchase, but it's an ongoing thing.
Have you ever lost money?I've lost money on projects a fair few times, but personally I haven't lost anything of significance.
Is money important to you?Money is important for my work as it's so cash intensive but after that I tend to not care too much for it. As long as we have enough to work on projects we are really passionate about and can pay the bills then I'm generally happy. Obviously I would like more of it, but it certainly isn't the most important thing in my life by any means.
In conversation with CLAIRE O'MAHONY.Mark Murphy is promoting Damon Albarn's Another Honest Jon's Chop Upat Vicar Street, on November 1st