Call for all armed groups to disarm

Paramilitary groups have been called on to decommission all their weapons immediately by the outgoing Presbyterian Moderator, …

Paramilitary groups have been called on to decommission all their weapons immediately by the outgoing Presbyterian Moderator, Dr John Lockington.

This, he said, would "remove their threat and prove their commitment to democratic politics".

Intense political activity over the year had witnessed the restoration of devolution to Northern Ireland, which was again experiencing locally elected politicians taking decisions, he said.

However, it was only being realistic to acknowledge that many problems remained and "as Christians we are called to remember all politicians in our prayers as they seek to fulfil the responsibilities given them by the electorate", he added.


Speaking about the continuing threat of violence, he said that decommissioning "is both a moral imperative and a political necessity. "The continuing intimidation, from whatever quarter it comes, which distresses individuals, disturbs families and destroys communities is utterly evil and is to be condemned," Dr Lockington added.

He called on the church to be ever mindful of victims and their needs.

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan is Environment and Science Editor and former editor of The Irish Times