Business park may create 70-plus jobs

A new business park in Armagh promising to create over 70 jobs for the area was opened today

A new business park in Armagh promising to create over 70 jobs for the area was opened today. Already two new business - a food production company and a curtain manufacturer - have opened up creating 23 new jobs.

The Armagh Business Park units totalling nearly 24,000 sq ft of workspace at the Hamiltonsbawn Road Industrial Estate have been developed with the help of EU Peace II funding.

Speaking at the opening Paul Kelly, chairman of the business park said: "This development will create employment in deeply deprived communities. The quality of the finish is excellent and we expect to achieve full occupancy in the very near future with significant benefits to this area."

The Mayor of Armagh, John Campbell added: "The opening of this new building will mark a significant jobs boost to the local economy and will help to promote the area positively further afield."


He said Armagh had for some time needed additional workspace to ensure the entrepreneurial spirit was maintained.

"It is very important that the small businesses that are formed are able to grow and expand and stay within the council area creating jobs locally," added the mayor.