THE Budget must ensure that the benefits of record growth rates in the economy are shared fairly among all our people, says the general secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Mr Peter Cassells, in a pre budget statement. "Satisfying need, rather than greed" must be a priority, he stresses.
Mr Cassells was one of the principal negotiators of the new national agreement, Partnership 2000, which involves substantial commitments on tax reform from the Government. He calls for major improvements for PAYE workers, more effective measures to tackle unemployment and substantial improvements for pensioners.
"In getting the balance right between public expenditure and private expectations, the Minister must not confuse private need with private greed. Individual PAYE workers quite rightly expect to see substantial tax benefits' for themselves and their families, but the vast majority do not want these benefits at the expense of the poor, the unemployed or the elderly.
"Satisfying need rather than greed is well illustrated by tax policy. Congress is seeking increased allowances, wider bands and reductions in lower rates of tax. We are opposed, however, to reducing the higher rate of tax, even though some PAYE workers would benefit from such a reduction.
"We believe it is hypocritical to call for slashing taxes in a way that would reduce overall revenue while, at the same time, calling for improvements in public services and in payments that are financed from public revenue.
"This Budget should strengthen the conditions needed to sustain our record levels of growth.
"The best way to strengthen the conditions for growth is to share the benefits fairly through a balanced approach to overdue tax reform and much needed social expenditure."