BSkyB denies clause blocking lower football bid

British Sky Broadcasting today said there is no clause in its Premier League football rights preventing it from submitting a …

British Sky Broadcasting today said there is no clause in its Premier League football rights preventing it from submitting a lower bid when the current £1.1 billion sterling three-year deal comes up for renegotiation.

"It's untrue. There is no such agreement," said a BSkyB spokesman, responding to an article in today's Financial Timesquoting an unnamed Premiership club chairman.

According to the FTreport, the chairman said a clause in the contract stipulated that, if the pay TV company bids again next time, it could not offer less than under the present contract.

BSkyB paid £1.1 billion for the right to screen live Premiership matches for three years starting this season.


Shares in BSkyB were up 5.5 pence at 767 pence at 10.00 a.m., against a 52-week high of 947 pence.