Belfast sex shops threaten action over licences

Sex shop owners in Belfast today threatened legal action against city councillors for refusing to grant them trading licences…

Sex shop owners in Belfast today threatened legal action against city councillors for refusing to grant them trading licences.

Proprietors face fines of up to £30,000 sterling if they flout tough recommendations and continue operating.

But one retailer who runs two adult stores in Belfast's burgeoning red light district vowed to fight a decision she claimed could drive trade underground. "All the sex shops are standing firm on this and we are going to court," said Ms Jane Cuthbertson.

Permit applications from six shops were all refused by the council's health and environmental committee. Members unanimously recommended turning down the bids after several objections were lodged with the committee. Their decision must now be ratified at a full council meeting on February 3rd.


Ulster Unionist committee member Mr Chris McGimpsey insisted the shops just were not suitable for the area. "A proliferation would have led to the setting up of a virtual red light district and everything that entails," he said.

"Now they have applied for licences and we have turned them down, if they continue to operate we can move against them and close them down".

But Ms Cuthbertson claimed the councillors were interfering in people's lives. "Five more shops have opened here in the past year so obviously there is a demand for it," she said. "These are not sleazy little shops by any means and we are not going to go away. But this could shove the sex trade underground and that is never safe".