All clear for British FMD farm worker

A British farm worker feared to have been the first person to catch foot-and-mouth during the current crisis has tested negative…

A British farm worker feared to have been the first person to catch foot-and-mouth during the current crisis has tested negative for the disease.

Mr Paul Stamper (33) of Cumbria, was splashed with fluid from a slaughtered cow as he helped move carcasses.

British agriculture minister Mr Nick Brown has indicated that one of those cleared of having the disease was the man whose face was splashed by liquid from a carcass.

He said: "I am delighted and really pleased he has been given the all clear.


"Otherwise this could have had serious implications for his future employment."

The disclosure came as two cases of suspected foot-and-mouth in humans were shown to be negative. The Public Health Laboratory Service said eight of the 13 samples being investigated had now tested negative for the disease.

A spokesman said the latest results meant it was now "very unlikely" that any of the eight people tested so far had foot-and-mouth. However, he said that follow-up blood tests to check for the presence of viral antibodies will be completed two weeks after the illness was first suspected in each case.

"It is very unlikely that any of the eight people we have tested are human cases of FMD (foot-and-mouth disease)," he added.

"But to exclude any possibility of infection antibody tests need to be conducted on blood samples."

Tests on saliva, blood and blister fluid samples from five other patients are continuing.