The Achill Island Paul Henry Weekend is under way, commemorating the artist's stay on the Co Mayo Island from 1910 to 1919.
The programme of events was launched last night with a lecture and slide show by Mr Jim O'Callaghan of the National Gallery of Ireland, at Ted Lavelle's in Cashel. Mr O'Callaghan talked about the island as it was during the Belfast-born painter's era.
Today at 1 p.m. a plaque will be unveiled at the Amethyst, Keel.Tonight at 8.30 p.m. in the Cyril Gray Memorial Hall, Dugort, Prof Brian Kennedy of the Ulster Museum, Belfast, will give a talk and slide show on how Achill shaped Henry's art and career.
Tomorrow at 11 a.m. there will be a guided walk along the shoreline from Keel to Dooagh, including a stop at Gubelennaun, the rocky point where Henry tore up his return train ticket to London and decided to remain in Achill.
There will be a Paul Henry-inspired exhibition at Sean Cannon's Western Light Gallery, Keel, and a workshop at the O'Dalaigh School of Painting, Owenduff. For further information, see