On the Move

Brian O'Connell 's round-up of travel blogs

Brian O'Connell's round-up of travel blogs

Grant Martin blogs at www.gadling.com , and describes himself as someone who "spent too much time in New York, and not enough time in Kalamazoo".

Several bloggers took on the subject of troublesome passengers this week, following the unscheduled landing in Venice of a Futura Gael flight out of Dublin bound for Crete.

"Whether they got tanked and tried to open the emergency exit mid-flight, drank too much in first class and ran around naked, or struck a flight attendant with a bottle of vodka, drunken passengers have been all over the place this summer," says Grant Martin, "and their unscheduled route changes are costing the airlines hoards of money."


Martin goes on to explore costs involved when an aircraft needs to divert.

"Unless it's an emergency, most airlines opt to either circle and burn up fuel or dump it into the atmosphere prior to landing, a measure that's both detrimental to costs and the environment," he tells us. "Additionally, many airlines charge landing fees to put an aircraft down on their soil, regardless or whether or not there is an emergency."

Quoting pilot Kent Wien, our blogger tells us that diverting can cost a larger aircraft upwards of €140,000, while even best-case scenario, where an aircraft lands, picks up fuel and departs immediately, will likely cost an extra €7,000 in fuel burned.

So then, is it only a matter of time before airlines start trying to recoup these costs from problem passengers?

Grant seems to think so. "Many airlines who have been forced to divert recently are now starting to sue the passengers to recoup their extra landing fees. Try to keep that in mind next time you get drunk before a flight."

Kieran Murphy is a director of Murphy's Ice Cream, and lives in Dingle. He blogs at http://icecreamireland.com

With so many expats blogging their way through the Olympics, it took a Dingle resident to swim against the rising tide and put things in perspective.

"In this summer that is not a summer," says Kieran Murphy, "when we have floods, road closures, train derailments and mudslides . . . I'm just grateful that Ireland is not hosting the Olympics.

"Imagine the embarrassment," he says, "if marathons had to be cancelled, hurdlers slipped on soggy tracks, or javelin-throwers lost their spears in the fog."

Although, if Ireland were to host the event, Murphy has an idea for some alternative sports - here's Ireland's top 10 Rainy Olympic Events:

1. Puddle-jumping

2. Main Street canoe race

3. Mud-wrestling

4. Sandbag-piling

5. Rain-dancing

6. Bucket-emptying

7. Wet T-shirt contest

8. Climbing the walls

9. Water polo

10. Ark-building

Sirmelja is a 39-year-old Jamaican-American ex-pat living in Cork who blogs at http://jamaicanincork.blogspot.com

Finally, a Jamaican-American who moved to Ireland "in a desperate bid to inject some fun and adventure into her life", can't help contain her glee with her fellow countrywomen winning 100m gold and silver. "Life is sweeeet," she tells us.

Although, on reflection, it could be sweeter.

"If only I had some fried breadfruit for breakfast, I would be a completely happy Jamaican woman."

Have you news you want to share via your blog?

E-mail goblog@irish-times.ie