Tipp top weddings

Cloughjordan House, a farm, cookery school and country house run by Sarah and Peter Baker is now a wedding venue for those who…

Cloughjordan House, a farm, cookery school and country house run by Sarah and Peter Baker is now a wedding venue for those who like the idea of an informal, house-party-foodie style wedding. Their first wedding was last November, when the 400-year-old ballroom came to life for a banquet of 45 guests, with candlelight and roaring log fires.

Peter Baker, who grew up in the house, says it can cater for up to 75 guests. The couple are currently redeveloping an outdoor area adjacent to the ballroom, with woodburning fires and barbecues for summer weddings. The beautiful old house in north Tipperary sits on eight acres of land. Sarah attributes her passion for food to her Argentinian father and years of experimentation. Her cookery school is a "farm to fork" experience where students harvest, cook and eat. See cloughjordanhouse.com.