WORK has just begun on converting the former St Stephen's School at Northumberland Road, Dublin 4, into a four-star hotel with 31 bedrooms. The development has been undertaken by the Galway-based businessman Terry Sweeney, who bought the mid-19th century school from Treasury Holdings. Finnegan Menton was the selling agent. The plans for the hotel by James G O'Connor of architects Arthur Gibney and Partners provide for the use of the three main classrooms as the main public rooms and the development of a two-storey over lower ground floor wing to the rear. The new building will contain the bedrooms, guest lounge, kitchen and stores. The main access to the hotel will be through the former headmaster's house. Mr Sweeney has also announced the purchase of The Westwood, a restaurant and bar complex on the western outskirts of Galway city. He is to seek planning permission to redevelop the facilities into a country-house-style hotel.