The Irish Property Show, due to be held in Dublin and Cork next month in conjunction with The Irish Times, continues to attract considerable overseas interest. Apart from the UK estate agents and solicitors pitching for a piece of the action in Ireland, several leading high street chain stores are also sending senior executives to the show in the hope of finding suitable retail outlets.
Ann Lenihan of Anchor Events, the organisers of the show, reports that over 80 per cent of the exhibition space is already booked, most of it by companies servicing the Irish property market. Because of the high level of interest in overseas holiday homes at the moment, she says a number of estate agents will be marketing new developments on the Continent and in the US. The show will provide a one-stop platform for the property market, both commercial and residential.
Details can be had from Anchor Events, at 021 270657; the Web site is and the email address is: