Craft online

It's tricky for craft workers to find suitable outlets for their handiwork, but increasingly the Internet is helping small suppliers…

It's tricky for craft workers to find suitable outlets for their handiwork, but increasingly the Internet is helping small suppliers of handmade items to find a wider audience. The ultimate marriage of opposites - the coldly efficient Web and the tactile craft world - works particularly well if the goods on offer are photogenic and easily shipped. Irish illustrator/artist Carla Daly's work falls into such a category and she has established a website to market her brashly colourful painted objects. Called, the well-designed site showcases her work, including mugs at £7.50 (€9.52), candles for £6.50 (€8.25), and even toilet seats for £120 (€152). Her work is humorous, loud and a cheery antidote to minimalist restraint.

You can't actually purchase online - but there are contact directions which make buying easy. Personal favourites include these ceramic painted doorknobs that would be ideal for a children's room or a country-style kitchen. They sell for £9 (€11.43) each and measure 50 mm by 50 mm.

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison is an Irish Times journalist and cohost of In the News podcast