Calgary is calling for Irish workers

They say when one door closes another swings open

They say when one door closes another swings open. At least, that’s the only way to look at things for the many people who have been badly affected by the property collapse.

Skills that may not be in hot demand here at the moment are apparently highly sought after in Calgary city (above) in Canada. That’s why a 40-strong delegation is making its way here for the Working Abroad Expo at the RDS in Dublin on October 6th and 7th. Apparently the people of Calgary, in the province of Alberta, need 120,000 people to fill their expanding economic needs, and the Irish are top of their list.

Calgary is central to Alberta’s booming oil and gas industry, with major international energy companies located there. Irish workers are needed to service the needs of the industry and the growing economy. They say they are looking for engineers, geologists, architects, surveyors, labourers, truck drivers and carpenters. According to the results of a 2012 Canadian Labour Supply Report by RDA Global, Irish people rated very highly when matching the skill base to the jobs.

And in case we felt Calgary was coming on a bit strong in its bid to seduce our brightest and best, its promoters reassure us the city and region has many strings to its bow, having been ranked the fifth top city in the world to live in by the Economist Intelligence Unit three years running. It could be a match made in heaven for some hoping to ride out the current economic woes in more lucrative climes.