Your Gripe

I commute from Mullingar. The train leaves at 6.40 a.m. and gets into Connolly at 8.20 a.m. - most times

I commute from Mullingar. The train leaves at 6.40 a.m. and gets into Connolly at 8.20 a.m. - most times. The problem is, it is freezing cold in the winter, as there is no heating and no trolley service on the new Arrow-type trains. So one would have to come prepared with long johns, a flask of tea or a hot water bottle.

- Beatrix Urban, Westmeath

I am a recent arrival in Dublin and, having no car, I'm reliant on public transport. The problems I find are that the arrival time of buses is extremely erratic, and at peak times the buses are full and do not stop. The obvious solution would seem to be more buses. Until then, car drivers couldn't switch even if they wanted to.

- Grant McLean, Dublin