This week's soul CDs reviewed

This week's soul CDs reviewed

Bittersweet Batch
Munich Records★★★

As we write, the sun is kissing our furrowed brows and bringing joy and happiness to all. And here is a soundtrack to match the positive mood. Jesse Dee is a Boston graphic designer who loves the soul of Otis Redding and the other late-greats. Judging by his self-designed debut album cover and the spirited music within, he should close down his Mac and stick with his Stratocaster. This is a pulsating collection of high-octane, blue-eyed soul, accentuated by analogue recording, brilliantly punctuated by boisterous brass and carried by a singer whose desire to sing is all too evident. His energy is infectious, and if at times his enthusiasm gets the better of him – at times he sounds like Arctic Monkeys’ Alex Turner – it’s an impressive start.

Download tracks: Alive Kickin', Slow Down, Alright