Slovakian Puppet Show

In a gala Sunday afternoon performance on Dun Laoghaire's east pier featuring various companies, the International Puppet Festival…

In a gala Sunday afternoon performance on Dun Laoghaire's east pier featuring various companies, the International Puppet Festival, which had opened the previous day, provided free entertainment for thousands of people. One of the companies, the oneman Anton Anderle from Slovakia, went on again that evening at the Lambert Theatre; and he was brilliant.

As a curtain raiser, he gave us his highly compressed version of Don Juan using rod marionettes. This was followed by The Smallest Circus in the World, featuring an array of familiar circus acts. There were jugglers, one of whom juggled his own head; a tight-rope ballerina, a trapeze artist, a performing seal and more. The versatility and mimetic accuracy of the acts contrived to be at once funny and satirical.

Anton Anderle comes from three generations of puppeteers, and it shows in his extraordinary skills and fascinating puppets. If the remainder of the festival matches this standard, it will be a memorable celebration of an art form established and nurtured in Ireland by the extraordinary Lambert family, here organisers and hosts.

Festival runs to Sunday 21st September; booking at 01- 2800974/2801862