Operation is quick, easy and popular

IT can take less than 15 minutes to have a vasectomy and there are thousands performed in the State each year.

IT can take less than 15 minutes to have a vasectomy and there are thousands performed in the State each year.

The operation involves making a small incision in both testicles, the doctor then cuts a tiny piece out from each of the vas deferens tubes which carry the sperm from the testes. Each side of the tube is then sealed.

According to Dr Sheila Jones, medical director of the Irish Family Planning Association, just one stitch is usually required.

"It can be a little sore afterwards and men are advised to take a few days of work to avoid discomfort and bruising," she said.


At that point there are still "live sperm hanging around". Tests are done at 16 weeks and 18 weeks afterwards and couples must continue using contraception until then.

Vasectomies are popular in Ireland, according to Dr Jones. The IFPA have been performing vasectomies in their clinics since the 1970s. They charge £160. The Well Woman centres charge £175.

This includes counselling beforehand. Dr Jones said this is [probably the most important part of the procedure. "The couple are counselled and told that the procedure is irreversible. The couple must be quite sure that they do no want more children despite the circumstances that may arise."

In the Eastern Health Board area there are four nominated GPs, as well as the Well Woman Centre in Coolock.

According to the guidelines issued by the Department of Health, health boards should ensure vasectomy services are available.

Dr Jones said men reported few problems afterwards. Occasionally the operation has to be done again or they suffer discomfort. "But it does not affect your sex life, good, bad or indifferent. All of the glands that affect your sexuality are intact. In very rare cases men complain of pain in the testes but it is extremely rare. For most men it is a quick, easy and straightforward operation involving a couple of days of discomfort."