AS soundbites go, it’s a verygood one: “When everyone starts worrying about Wall Street, it’s always the content that is damaged.” That’s from a recent interview with Interscope label boss Jimmy Iovine in the Los Angeles Times the other week. Naturally, There are plenty more pearls of wisdom where that one came from.
If record industry bosses want to know just what the future might hold for their end-of-year bonuses going forward (the first time that expression has appeared in The Ticket, I reckon), they should buy Jimmy lunch. Indeed, I’m sure Jimmy wouldn’t mind if they brought along ham sandwiches and a flask of tea and stayed in the office. Going onBased on what he had to say in this interview, Jimmy is not a man to stand on ceremony.Lets face it, The record industry needs more Jimmys. Iovine started out recording and producing acts likefor U2, Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty before shuffling from the sound- board to the boardroom. Since his arrival at Interscope, the label has zinged all the way to the bank, due in no small measure to Iovine doing the business with the likes of Eminem, Gwen Stefani, 50 Cent, Dr Dre and their assorted accomplices and hangers-oncrews.So it’s unlikely, therefore, that Iovine has spent much time plotting how to load CDs with nasty bugs, viruses and spyware, which would then spread digital diarrhoea when the CD was played on a computer. Unlike the folks at Sony-BMG who engaged in such a dastardly campaign (and who would have probably kept going if they hadn’t been caught rapid in the act), our Jimmy knows there are other ways to make a buck.For him, the way forward is as obvious as anything on the last U2 album. “We can’t just sell CDs anymore,” he reasons, “so we’re doing what the music business should’ve done from day oneDay 1 <: a="" about="" aces.="" acts="" after="" ages="" all="" allhis="" also="" always="" an="" and="" anyone="" anyour="" apple="" are="" artist="" as="" at="" back="" be="" because="" been="" better="" bogey="" boy="" brand="" buckos="" business="" but="" by="" cable="" can="" cash="" catalogue="" cd="" cd:="" change="" clever.="" come="" coming="" companies="" conservativea="" content="" content.="" criminalising="" culture="" customers="" dated="" day="" deliver="" developed.="" developis="" die="" distinguish="" do="" doing="" each="" else="" embrace="" eminem="" entire="" every-="" everything="" examining="" exciting="" executives="" exit="" few="" film="" flogging="" flux="" for="" fore="" fore.catalogue="" free="" get="" going="" good="" grabs="" grand="" happy="" harness="" has="" hasn="" have="" havehas="" he="" here="" his="" holds="" hook-up="" howdy="" huge="" i="""" ideas="" if="" in="" industry="" industry.="" inter-="" iovine="" ipod="" is="" it="" joker="" know="" label="" listen="" long="" love="" make="" many="" may="" maybe="" means="" methods="" mile="" money="" money.="" music="" necessary.="" needs="" new="" newspaper="" not="" now="" of="" off="" on="" one="" ones="" only="" or="" other="" out="" panaceas="" par="" peers="" people="" piece="" pimping="" players="" policies="" posters="" probably="" progress.="" putting="" real="" realise="" recent="" recognise="" record="" refusing="" rely="" return="" rich="" right="" sad="" say="" scope="" seems="" selling="" sharp="" shows="" signed="" sing="" singer="" software="" some="" someone="" song.="" songs="" spend.iovine="" start="" state="" stick="" sticking="" strategies.="" studios="" survive="" talent="" technology="" telephone="" that="" the="" their="" themselves="" there="" they="" thing="" things="" this="" thrive="" time="" to="" together="" tryin="" trying="" tv="" unique="" up="" us.="" very="" want="" wanted="" way="" we="" whale="" what="" when="" which="" who="" why="" will="" window.jimcarroll="" with="" won="" work="" working="" wrong="" yet="" you="">