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Helium is seven times lighter than air, so wearing helium trainers makes you seven times more bouncy, right? That's the theory behind the new Converse range of skate, basketball, cross-training and outdoor shoes. The helium capsule inside the heel allows the insole to move while the outer remains stable. In the future all shoes could feel this good.

Converse Helium Trainers, prices from £90, at Adrenalin, Newcastle West

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Stunned artzine is a very cool Irish site that showcases Irish and international contemporary art, and promotes Internet-specific pieces like Connor McGarrigle's Spook which maps and logs military servers' paths through the web. Check out Adbusters's spoof ads, Mary Flanagan's Perpetual Bed project and Kim Stringfellow's haunting photo collages. The site also features informed, intelligent writing and full gallery listings.

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You don't want to be dealing with mascara and eyebrow pencil when you're poolside or on the beach, but neither do you want to lose all definition in your face. So why not dye those lashes and brows? Swiss-O-Par's colour lasts for ages without fading, it's easy to apply, and thanks to a typo on the information leaflet, it claims to be "fast and lawless". As summer should be.

Swiss-O-Par eyebrow and eye- lash colour, £7.99, is in pharmacies

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As the Health page opposite explains in some detail, sunshine can be bad for your skin. Thank heavens this is a problem we don't have to deal with too often in Ireland. However, our legs still need colour, and blue doesn't count, so invest in some Clarins self-tanning spray with aloe and sesame oil to keep your pins smooth, and SPF 15 and cellular protection to keep them safe from those rogue rays.

Clarins Self-Tanning Spray, £14.50 from all Clarins outlets

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The Crafts Council of Ireland is currently hosting an exhibition of beautiful, contemporary takes on 18 carat gold. Right now the collections can be seen in Temple Bar's DesignYard. In late June, the show travels to Annie Brennan's in the Winthrop Arcade, Cork, and in August, it can be seen at the Steenson's Belfast Jewellery Gallery in Bedford Street. Forget ghetto fabulous; this stuff's art, not irony.

Breda Haugh pendant, prices from £400 to £1,185