16 cert, Timegate, PS3 (also Xbox 360) ****
Section 8
bravely enters the crowded first-person-shooter market. In the wake of
Halo and Mag
, it feels slightly old-fashioned, but even so it’s a diverting shooter with a nice flow to the play.
To the sound of impressively cinematic music, you’re introduced to an archetypical first-person shooter: the tough-as-nails space marine. You’re quickly dropped on to a hostile planet that looks like Mars crossed with the interiors from
Starship Troopers
While Section 8offers little that's original (even the title seems like a riff on District 9), the gameplay is fun. Wearing exoskeleton suits like the soldiers in GI Joe, you can sprint long distances in an instant (no trawling across long stretches of digital land) and leap multiple stories. Who doesn't love a rocket pack? The controls are simple and intuitive, especially for seasoned shooters.
This is far from the most innovative release of the year, but for those in the market for a simple, effective shooter, it delivers.