7 cert, Nintendo, 3DS ****
Answering a call for help from the city of Monte d’Or, Layton and his trusty assistants find themselves embroiled in yet another mystery. The Masked Gentleman is terrorising the city with his so-called “miracles”, such as turning people to stone or bringing paintings to life. And the source of his power is the titular mask.
As usual with the Layton games, you have to solve puzzles to progress through the story. Using the 3DS’s capabilities to its advantage, you can use the built-in gyroscope to control some of the puzzles, and a new magnifying glass allows you to really hunt for hidden clues in the environments.
The graphics are now in 3D as well. There are action-based puzzles that see you explore ruins, new mini- games to unlock and new puzzles to download. The game keeps its sense of fun, and is worth seeing through.