Playstation All- Stars Battle Royale

7 cert, Sony, PS3 (also PS Vita) ***

7 cert, Sony, PS3 (also PS Vita) ***

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale feels like a fevered dream. Starring a host of familiar faces from the Sony universe and beyond, it’s an arcade-style beat-’em-up hopped up on sugar and caffeine. Limited space precludes a full list of characters, but you will find Ratchet Clank, adventurer Nathan Drake, Spartan warrior Kratos, cutesy soft-toy Sackboy , superhero Cole and many more. It’s a bizarre, colourful and frantic combat game. Involving between one and four fighters, the object is to get power-ups (by landing blows) and using these them to kill off your opponents.

Whoever accumulates the most kills and least defeats wins. At times it becomes a little too hectic, and its lasting appeal is debatable, but it’s an amusing, exciting and playable experience. It also reminds you what an impressive roster Sony has, which was probably the point.