The Hungry Whales

A extract from a story by sixth class, Scoil Eoin Phóil, Leixlip, Co Kildare

The Hungry Whales – Dixie the pink whale and her friend Doxie the purple whale made a plan

Dixie the pink whale was floating around in the big blue sea. She was sad because she wanted to go to the big red sea. The big red sea had the best fish hunting spots, but she had to be blue in order to go hunting.

She decided to call her friend Doxie the purple whale who lived in the green sea. She echoed her location and they FishTimed.

“Why can you never trust an atom?” Doxie wanted to cheer her friend up. “Because they literally make up everything.”

“Ha. Ha,” Dixie replied before she let out a sad sart (sea fart).


She was tired of living in the big blue sea where she almost drowned when she was a young bubble whale – aka a bale.

“Let’s meet up in the red sea and make a plan to make me blue,” suggested Dixie.

“Why don’t you use blue coral?” Doxie said.

They met up in the red sea and covered themselves in blue coral. As they swam further in, the coral began to fall off.

Suddenly, Dixie was stopped by a pool of piranhas who called the Balooga Whale Police …