And Very Briefly ...

ARTIST Helen O'Leary from Co Wexford has recently been awarded the prestigious Pollock Krasner Award 1996, valued at 520,000

ARTIST Helen O'Leary from Co Wexford has recently been awarded the prestigious Pollock Krasner Award 1996, valued at 520,000 ... On Monday at 5.30 p.m. at the Shelbourne Hotel, Sheridan Morley will give the 1996 Oscar Wilde Memorial Lecture .. . An international panel of judges has short listed Toyota Ireland (for its £500,000 sponsorship of the Irish World Music Centre at the University of Limerick) for a newly created European Arts Sponsorship Award, the FT/CEREC Award ... On Saturday at 3 p.m. in the Garden Court Hotel, Belfast, Northern Ireland's first large scale Community Dance Project will be launched ... Launched on Tuesday, Arts Into base is the first South Dublin County Arts Directory, providing information on artists, arts groups and venues within the county it is available free of charge from libraries within the South Dublin area ...