Forfás chief appointed as CEO designate of IDA Ireland

Martin Shanahan will take up the role in August

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton welcomed the appointment of Martin Shanahan as CEO designate of the IDA.

Forfás chief Martin Shanahan has been appointed CEO designate of the IDA.

Mr Shanahan, who will take up the role in August, was selected following an extensive search programme by the IDA, the Public Appointments Service and PWC.

He is currently the CEO of Forfás, the advisory board for enterprise, trade, science, technology and innovation. Prior to joining Forfás, he held management responsibility in Fáilte Ireland for the professional development of the tourism sector.

Chairman of the IDA Frank Ryan said Mr Shanahan will bring a wealth of knowledge of economic development from his previous role as CEO of Forfás.


“Working with the current IDA team, he will build on the successes of recent years and take the organisation into a new phase of its development,” he added.

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton welcomed the appointment saying Mr Shanahan has been instrumental in driving the Action Plan for Jobs process, which has been crucial in restoring our competitiveness and supporting jobs growth over the past three years.

The IDA has reported strong results over the last number of years, with over 161,000 people now working for over 1,000 foreign companies based in Ireland.