Turkish membership of EU

Madam, - In his report on the latest Eurobarometer poll (Dec 21st) Frank McNally contrives to ignore all of the questions on …

Madam, - In his report on the latest Eurobarometer poll (Dec 21st) Frank McNally contrives to ignore all of the questions on EU enlargement. If he had persevered as far as question 44.12 he would have discovered that only 31 per cent of the population of the EU supports the accession of Turkey. Some 55 per cent are opposed and 14 per cent are undecided. The numbers for Ireland are 33 per cent in favour, 40 per cent against and 27 per cent undecided.

In the face of such disapprobation, the Turkish membership talks currently under way in Brussels tell us all we need to know about the democratic deficit at the heart of the European Union.

The prospect of Turkish accession represents nothing less than a cultural and economic calamity for the EU where the whirlwind will be reaped by future generations. - Yours, etc,

CONOR O'BRIEN, Mount Anville Road, Dublin 14.