Respecting differences

Madam, - Congratulations to Kusi Okamura (Weekend, August 16th) who articulated so well the anger and frustration at being regularly…

Madam, - Congratulations to Kusi Okamura (Weekend, August 16th) who articulated so well the anger and frustration at being regularly insulted and discriminated against in her own country. I too am Irish, and experience abuse and discrimination on an almost daily basis from my fellow citizens. My crime - being of unusually small stature.

I would like to issue a simple appeal to the people of Ireland: think. Before you open your mouth to pass an insulting or discriminatory comment on the racially different, disabled, small or large person whom you encounter - think. Think that this is a person with feelings and emotions, who is very likely to be deeply hurt by your insensitive comment.

As Ms Okamura says, an Ireland where difference is embraced and celebrated would indeed be something worth waiting for. - Yours, etc.,

AISLING SHERIDAN, Shandon Mill, Dublin 7.