Sir, - Arguably the action that earned Peter Mandelson the most respect among British Labour Party members was his resignation after he, quite rightly, identified that, in public office, even the appearance of wrong-doing can undermine public confidence in politicians and their trade.
The Taoiseach's apparent involvement in the Gilmartin saga, not to mention questions surrounding the alleged £50,000 payment to Padraig Flynn, are yet more examples that senior politicians in the modern era simply have not yet grasped the fact that we, the public, are sick and tired of the "nod and a wink" culture in which the politics of old was mired and that many argue persists to this day.
Recent events in the European Commission (and the British Labour Party) show that Irish politicians are not alone when it comes to questions of behaviour that is incompatible with public service. However, that is no excuse for delaying the great purge that is necessary. The question is - who will have the courage and political will to lead such a crusade? Let us hope that, when the dust settles, the legacy is a more open political system in which a new generation of public-spirited individuals can thrive, free of the apparent sleaze of old. I fear it is a forlorn hope. - Yours etc., Fergal Quinn,
Lindum Road, Teddington, Middx.