Mary Robinson and Cop26

Sir, – Mary Robinson in an emotional interview, responded to the outcome of the Cop26 summit, describing it as “shameful” predicting that our world is rushing headlong towards a catastrophic global temperature increase of 2.4 degrees.

Some of the developing world leaders, being the most affected in the short term, put it more strongly. Most of the so-called developed world heads were surprisingly upbeat about it, adopting the “a lot done, more to do” approach (and we in Ireland know what that leads to). Now there is much talk about forcing climate change and destroying the planet as if this were inevitable.

We can surely damage but we cannot destroy our planet, she is programmed to survive or otherwise regardless of our behaviour. What we are hurtling mindlessly towards is the total extinction of the human race. This kind of political posturing and brinkmanship is standing between our survival and total extinction.

– Yours, etc,




Co Kilkenny.