Sir, – Ruairí Quinn’s statement that JobBridge can be “offered to newly qualified teachers” only is yet another assault on newly qualified teachers in Ireland. As a newly qualified teacher, I am already faced with a lower starting salary, no qualification allowances and very limited job prospects in Ireland. The fact that Mr Quinn is advocating the JobBridge scheme for newly qualified teachers only is discriminatory. The nine months I spent teaching with no pay in a school last year during my professional diploma in education surely provided me with the “intern” experience that JobBridge offers.
I emigrated a number of years ago and returned to train as a teacher with the intention of working in Ireland. Despite my desire to remain in my home country, the continuing attack on new graduates by this Government makes it increasingly difficult. The flight of young people from Ireland will continue to strip this country of enthusiastic and highly qualified workers unless the Government begins to treat the young people of this country with the respect and dignity that we deserve. – Yours, etc,
Rathmines Park,
Upper Rathmines Road,
Dublin 6.