Jerome Lejeune

Sir, - It is distressing to read that Professor Jerome Lejeune's grave has become a cockpit for dissension

Sir, - It is distressing to read that Professor Jerome Lejeune's grave has become a cockpit for dissension. I knew Jerome Lejeune professionally over a period of 20 years or so, and had a great respect for his immense knowledge of genetics. We used to meet at various international gatherings at which his advice on the genetic effects of radiation was always profound and wise.

He himself was a quiet, kind man, always polite - the very antithesis of the shrill and angry army that has attached itself both to and against the association "Let Them Live" that he founded late in life. I am sure that Jerome would be shuddering at the recent antics engendered by the Pope's visit to his grave. - Yours, etc., (Dr) DAVID SOWBY,

Knocksinna Crescent, Dublin 18.