Green selection

Sir, – I would like to clarify a point of fact (“Ryan gambles on European elections . . .”, Home News, August 8th). The selection convention for the Green Party 2014 candidate for the Balbriggan Ward was held in September 2012. My good colleague Trevor Sargent (who lives in Balbriggan) did not put his name forward at this convention where I was selected as the 2014 local election candidate. I have since been very active on the ground and this weekend I will continue with my campaign against Fingal County Council’s library cuts plan with the assistance of Mr Sargent. So, in short, the assertion that Mr Sargent may be running for the local elections in 2014 is not true. – Yours, etc,


Green Party Representative

for Balbriggan, Skerries,


Rush, Lusk and

rural Fingal,

Mourne View,

Skerries, Co Dublin.