Dom Helder Camara

Sir, - Your coverage of the death of Archbishop Helder Camara (August 30th) awakened thoughts of his memorable visit to Ireland…

Sir, - Your coverage of the death of Archbishop Helder Camara (August 30th) awakened thoughts of his memorable visit to Ireland in the 1970s to attend a consultation on human rights in Derry. The vast congregation in the church in Ballinteer (outside Dublin) saw a long line of richly vested and mitred Irish bishops, carrying shining croziers, process to the strains of "Ecce Sacerdos Magnus". There followed a very small, bare-headed figure in a white alb with a rope around it and carrying a wooden staff, who seemed entirely caught up in prayer.

Later, on the journey to Derry, he insisted on carrying his own bag on and off the bus, trying to assist others with their luggage as well. At the meal en route he made sure he was among the last to be served. During the conference, when I happened to meet him alone on a corridor, he melted my shyness by talking with me in a completely collegial way. I treasure some books of his poems, one of which he autographed with a fraternal message of peace. One of his verses (in The Desert is Fertile) is especially worth studying: "If you disagree with me you have something to offer me ..."

But I was dismayed by something he pressed with zeal during his homily in a Derry church whose grounds were decked en fete in his honour - dismayed because the belief has been so widespread and it had taken the "Troubles" to open my eyes to its dangers. "This," he said, gazing with affection on the many beleaguered people who were hanging on his words, "this is the real Ireland, people gathered together around a Mass altar."

Not so, dear saintly Dom Helder, not so! Many who do not so worship or believe must also be counted in the real Ireland. Outside that church the previous week a young British soldier had been beaten to death in broad daylight. Faith and politics are not synonymous.


A few years later, in a privileged private audience with Pope John Paul, I stressed that point as much as I could. - Yours, etc.,

Una O'Higgins O'Malley, Glann, Oughterard, Co Galway.