Madam, - During his address this week to the European Youth Parliament, Dick Roche, Minister for European Affairs, issued a stern warning to any outsiders who may be planning to come to Ireland to "interfere" in the referendum campaign on the "No" side (The Irish Times, November 13th).
The Minister seems to have a short memory because during the Nice Treaty campaign of 2002 hardly a day went by without a visit from some European personage who had come here to interfere on the "Yes" side. Perhaps such interference is welcome on a unilateral basis only.
Mr Roche went on to declare that for the forthcoming referendum on the Reform Treaty the "Yes" side would be using "the most powerful weapon in our arsenal - that is, the truth". What may be nearer to the truth is that this government is prepared to say just about anything that might help to push this referendum through. Indeed, during the Nice Treaty campaign Mr Roche himself was in fine form when, with his usual bluster, he described the prediction of large-scale immigration from Eastern Europe as "a disgraceful xenophobic myth".
What is already clear is that the Minister for European Affairs is more than a little concerned at the prospect of all those foreigners arriving here during the referendum campaign. Could it be that this Government is itself engaging in some of that disgraceful xenophobia? - Yours, etc,
CONOR O'BRIEN, Mount Anville Park, Dublin 14.
Madam, - Minister Dick Roche is shaping up for a battle on the EU Reform Treaty (The Irish Times, November 13th).
He is like the boy in the schoolyard, throwing shapes, boxing the air and urging his opponents to just "try taking me on".
He is warning of, and off, "interferers", who may come to Ireland to join in the debate on the Reform Treaty - almost as if he needs opposition to kick start the debate and help him win the argument!
Maybe the Minister needs such a kick start. But I would urge him instead to put the fists down, get the information campaign underway and trust in the judgment of the Irish people.
Next year's referendum on the Reform Treaty is important for Ireland and the EU. The Irish people know this already. What they want is clear information about the Treaty and what it means for Ireland and the EU. - Yours, etc,
MAIREÁD McGUINNESS MEP, European Parliament, Rue Weirtz, Brussels.
Madam, - Marcella O'Shea doesn't seem to know whether she is against the Reform Treaty chicken or the EU Constitution egg. What is beyond doubt is that, far from being some type of conspiracy, the Reform Treaty is presented as it is precisely because of the aftermath of the EU Constitution debate, where a consolidated legal text was rejected.
There is an excellent consolidated text available on the website of the Institute of European Affairs - - where she can read all about the enhanced role for naitional parliaments, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, equality in the Commission and much more. - Yours, etc,
MICHAEL McLOUGHLIN, Riverwood Heath, Castleknock, Dublin 15.