A thankyou from Japan

Madam, – At 14.46 on March 11th, Japan was hit by one of the most powerful earthquakes in recorded history

Madam, – At 14.46 on March 11th, Japan was hit by one of the most powerful earthquakes in recorded history. We are now making all-out efforts to restore livelihoods and recover from the series of tragedies that followed the Great East Japan Earthquake. The disaster left more than 28,000 people dead or missing, including foreign citizens.

On behalf of the Japanese people, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for the outpouring of support and solidarity we have received from over 130 countries, nearly 40 international organisations, numerous NGOs, and countless individuals from all parts of the world. The Japanese people deeply appreciate the Kizuna (a Japanese word for “bonds of friendship”) that has been shown to us by friends around the world. Through this hardship, we have also come to truly understand the meaning of “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”

The response of the Irish people has been overwhelmingly sympathetic and generous. In addition to support through the EU, the Government of Ireland decided, less than a week after the disaster, to provide relief funds of €1 million to the people in the affected areas. Support has also come from friendship organisations, NGOs and countless individuals through charity events, fund-raising and heartfelt messages. Many Japanese citizens, including myself, have been enormously encouraged by the warmth that the Irish people have shown towards us. I wish to express our sincere thanks to Irish people for all your sympathy and assistance.

That Japan has experienced nuclear accidents at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant whose severity was assessed as most serious based on an international scale is extremely regrettable and something I take very seriously. Bringing the situation at the plant under control at the earliest possible date is currently my top priority.


I have mobilised all available resources to combat the risks posed by the plant, based on three principles: first, give the highest priority to the safety and health of all citizens, in particular those residents living close to the plant; second, conduct thorough risk management; and, third, plan for all possible scenarios so that we are fully prepared to respond to any future situation. In addition, the government has taken every possible measure to ensure the safety of all food and other products, based on strict scientific criteria.

I pledge that the Japanese government will promptly and thoroughly verify the cause of this incident, as well as share information and the lessons learned with the rest of the world in order to prevent such accidents from occurring in the future.

Through such a process, we will proactively contribute to global debate to enhance the safety of nuclear power generation. Through the “Rebirth of Japan” I would like to present a clear vision to the entire world that includes the aggressive promotion of clean energy – that may contribute to solving global energy issues.

The government will dedicate itself to demonstrating to the world its ability to establish the most sophisticated reconstruction plans for East Japan, based on three principles: first, create a regional society that is highly resistant to natural disasters; second, establish a social system that allows people to live in harmony with the global environment; and third, build a compassionate society that cares about people, in particular, the vulnerable.

We, the Japanese people, rose from the ashes of the second World War, using our fundamental strength to secure a remarkable recovery and the country’s present prosperity. I have not a single doubt that Japan will overcome this crisis, recover from the aftermath of the disaster, emerge stronger than ever, and establish a more vibrant and better Japan for future generations.

I would wholeheartedly appreciate your continued support and co-operation. Arigatou (thank you). – Yours, etc,


Prime Minister of Japan,



